About Security
What to consider when selecting an alarm company
By: The Canadian Security Association (CANASA)
Electronic alarm systems are recognized as an important contributor to the securing of people and property. In a 1995 Canadian comparison of break and enters (B & E) on residential premises, the B & E rate was 37 per 1000 non-alarmed premises vs. only 4 per 1000 on alarmed. Residences with alarm systems are 9.25 times less likely to have a break-in. In the same study, total losses on non-alarmed residences was over $11.5 million, whereas alarmed properties experienced a total of only $248,000 in losses. These studies clearly demonstrate the deterrent value and loss reduction value of alarm systems. As a user or potential user of an alarm system, you will enjoy the benefits that a system can provide. While some may infer that alarm systems prevent crime and stop it, they do not - their value is in deterring crime and reducing losses should a break and enter occur.
Summit Security will provide a "no obligation" evaluation of your home's security needs. Call us today.